Real Estate Agent Market Update and Mindset Podcast

Embrace the Fall Reset: Reignite Your Personal Development Journey

Angie Gerber Season 4 Episode 1

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Ready to hit the reset button this fall? Join us as we harness the unique energy of the season to reignite our personal development journey. With routines settling in and kids back in school, it's the perfect time to transition from passive learning to taking impactful, actionable steps towards our goals. We'll discuss the importance of leaving behind outdated parts of ourselves, committing to daily intentions, and navigating the internal tug-of-war between our comfort zones and our aspirational desires. Embrace the discipline and self-awareness needed to continually strive for personal growth, as we explore how to make this fall a transformative season.

Plus, I'm excited to introduce our new women's book club dedicated to personal development! Our first pick, "Change Your Paradigm, Change Your Life" by Bob Proctor, is a real game-changer, and I can't wait to dive into its insights with you. We'll meet on the last Friday of each month, creating a supportive and empowering community aimed at achieving our goals and elevating our lives. If you're ready to take your personal development to the next level, join us this fall for enriching discussions and a collective journey towards becoming our best selves. Happy fall and happy resetting—let's achieve our dreams together!

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With Gratitude -

Angie Gerber


Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome back. It's been a while. I know I took some of the summer off and I am so excited to jump back into the podcast and be with all you beautiful people every week. So a lot's been happening and a lot's happened, and I'm sure the same is for you as well. And what I would love to focus on and talk about today is really fall reset.

Speaker 1:

So, looking at, you know where you're at today. My kids went back to school today. I feel a whole sense of space, of a reset. The air is changing a little bit here in Minnesota, so it is starting to become fall-like and I'm loving all of it. Well, there is one thing I almost feel a little bit out of element because, again, no imposter syndrome and you really should not compare yourself to others. But I'm ready to do a happy dance, whereas a lot of moms are crying and like, oh, I can't believe my baby's going into this grade or that grade, and there's a little bit of, you know, not sadness, but just wow, in tears and I am overjoyed, like when I dropped my oldest off at college. I didn't cry then either. I'm like just always so excited for them and, you know, their biggest cheerleader. So I'm that mom. That's like happy dance Kids are back in school, we're back to routine, let's go. So looking forward to the reset and getting back at it. And with that said, I just got off an amazing coaching call and it made me think and it made me decide that the best way to get right back at it is to hit it head on. And that's with you today.

Speaker 1:

And I want you to really look at yourself and really look at where you're at in your personal development journey and ask yourself am I a gatherer of all the information? Where you listen to this podcast, you listen to other podcasts, you read books, you watch YouTubes, you're doing all the things and you're gathering all the information. Are you taking action? You know one of my coaches and I know I've shared this here before one of my coaches said for every hour of content you absorb or you take time out of your day to attend or listen to, you should be taking three to four hours of action. So what action are you taking? Or are you just an information gatherer? Because what you need to decide to get from who you are today to where you want to be is what parts of you are you going to leave behind, because you will need to leave about 50 to 80 percent of who you are today behind in order to get what it is you truly desire.

Speaker 1:

Now, this is simple and it is not easy, especially in the beginning, and that is why 85 to 90% of people do not do this. They do not play up in that top 10 to 15% or even the lead of the top 1 to 3%. It's simple if you do it, and it's not easy to do, especially in the beginning, because you have to create a whole new awareness. You have to make a decision, an irrevocable, committed decision that this is what you're doing, no matter what and every day, wake up and set the intention that that is what you're going to do and what happens? That is what you're going to do and what happens? As you listen to me, you listen to other podcasts, as you read books, you get really, really motivated, and motivation will only last so long.

Speaker 1:

Your role in this process is to create the disciplines, and I can't do that for you. Any other coach or mentor can't do that for you. You do that for yourself. So it is in gathering this information and listening to this podcast and listening to other podcasts or, again, read books, youtubes, whatever it is that you can gather the information. This is creating an awareness. So now your awareness is expanding and you understand things differently. You're going to hear things differently, because you're never the same, and you're going to get these inspirational moments where you're like, oh yeah, I get it. So your role is to set intentions and, with your intention, set tasks or goals or what you're going to do. That's going to move your needle forward.

Speaker 1:

And here's the kicker. What's going to happen is the inspirationally dissatisfied part of yourself again, your spiritual being, your spiritual having a human experience and your human being having a spiritual experience. The spiritual being in you, that side of you, is dissatisfied. It's never satisfied, nor should it be. We are here for expansion, not for contraction. So I ask you, what is your level of awareness? Because every single day you wake up, I can promise you you're going to need to reset your intention, reset your commitment to your goal and decide that this is your standard. This is where you're going. This is where you're going to live from today and hold it, knowing that the current version of you, where all your paradigms are and where your habitual behavior is, is going to rationalize why you should be back down where you are today and stay here, because it's not that bad. I have a roof over my head. I don't really need that car, house, vacation relationship. I'm fine. You know, who am I to? You know, want so much more. There are people starving over in this country and they don't have a home. At least I should be grateful for what I have. Well, again, always grateful, never satisfied.

Speaker 1:

So it's becoming aware when you have that internal battle with your human self and your paradigms in your dissatisfied spiritual being, because the spiritual being inside of you knows that there's more for you, it knows that it wants to go here. And so the awareness again. This is simple, not easy, and that is why most people start, stop, start, stop. They'll start it and then they'll stop it. Or they'll be like, okay, today's the day, I'm going to be really aware, and they'll do it for a day, two or three, like, okay, today's the day, I'm going to be really aware, and they'll do it for a day, two or three. And slowly those paradigms in the habitual behaviors will sneak back in and all of a sudden you'll look up and you're like, oh my gosh, it's been days Like I totally forgot about my intention, I forgot to set my intention, I forgot to do gratitude, I forgot to make the irrevocable, committed decision that this is who I am and this is where I. It's simple, not easy, so you can decide. That's the beautiful part about you. Have the choice Now.

Speaker 1:

Do you want to keep living from where you are today, the life you have today, and not going after your goal, or not letting your inspirationally dissatisfied self of you push you out of your comfort zone and get you from where you are to where you want to be? That's 85 to 90% of the population. They either understand it and don't do it, or they just don't understand this at all and they don't have the awareness. So I know you are getting aware because you're here and you're listening to this and you're listening to many other things that are leveling you up over and over and over again, and I ask you what action are you taking or are you just gathering information? Really, stop and think about that. Stop and think about what you can start doing today, even if it's just one, two, maybe three things I wouldn't do more than that Of what you're going to start switching out or become hyper aware of knowing again, we're human.

Speaker 1:

You cannot rotate your head 360 degrees. We are human. So the human part of you is going to falter. Things are going to happen. Your role is to catch them and have the awareness of when that's happening. And sometimes it will be two days and you'll be like, oh my gosh, I didn't even realize I wasn't doing it. So you catch it, reset, start at day one and then it will become a day, and then it will become five hours and then it will become three hours, one hour, two minutes. The more you flex this muscle, the more you will become aware when you're out of alignment with your intentions.

Speaker 1:

However, it is not easy. You do have to put the work in, and that is waking up every day, setting your attention, being aware. One of my coaches had me set an alarm on my phone for every three hours. You could even do it every hour and say am I coming from my intention today? Am I coming and making my decisions as if the goal is done or am I letting who I am today and am I going back and retreating into the comforts and not going towards the growth? Because you're expanding or you're contracting. You're growing or you're dying. This is all a choice and so many people choose fear over the faith because they know at least what they're going to get. So I just love this. I love opening up and coming back all here with you all and just bringing this out into the open and really setting this up for the next you know months of this podcast because I think it's so very important that you take a real, true look and be honest with yourself.

Speaker 1:

Maybe do a journal exercise around this. You know, if you have some fear and you're not quite sure, is it the fear of failure? Is it the fear of success? Is it fear of leaving relationships behind? Is it the fear of the unknown? You know, do a journal about it. Right, fear on the top of a piece of paper and just write whatever comes up. Sometimes some of the stuff that comes up will move you to tears. You don't even know it's in there.

Speaker 1:

Do the work, do the work. It's in there. Do the work, do the work. It's a process. It's simple, not easy, and that's why most people do not do it or they start, stop, start, stop. Don't be one of those people. It is not hard to be in the top one to 3%, because most all people are not willing to do the work. You just have to make the decision that you're going to do it and that's where you're going, and, of course, I'm here to help.

Speaker 1:

In any way, drop me a message if you want to talk more. I am also starting a book club this month. So my first book is Change your Paradigm, Change your Life. By no other than Bob Proctor, my first coach and mentor. This changed everything for me. You want a quantum leap. Read this, understand this, study this.

Speaker 1:

So what I'm doing is, every month, I'm gonna pick a new personal development book for women. It's a women's book club, and we will meet the last Friday of every month in the evening and go over the book. So if you are interested in that, send me a message below. Wherever you're listening to this podcast, I will find you, or you can email me very simple, angie Gerber, at gmailcom, and I'll get back to you, because I am looking to change women's lives, one woman at a time, and this is a great way for us to also do it together, to collaborate, to grow, to level up and to get from where we are to where we want to be as a community. So until next time, I'm so grateful you're here and I cannot wait to continue this. Happy fall, happy reset. Let's go get our goals. Let me know what you need.