Real Estate Agent Market Update and Mindset Podcast

Week 8 - Go, Get Your Goals - 90 Day Sprint!

Angie Gerber Season 4 Episode 10

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Ever felt like you're on autopilot, trapped in monotonous routines that seem to stifle your true potential? In our latest goal-setting workshop episode, we reveal the art of breaking free from this cycle, guiding you to embrace conscious decision-making in alignment with your future self. Imagine shaking up your daily routine and recognizing the incredible capabilities of your body and mind. We share inspiring stories, including my own leap from a secure job to real estate, illustrating how belief, when integrated with behavior, can transform your life. By dedicating time each day for self-reflection and growth, you can unravel inherited paradigms and craft a life that genuinely reflects your desires.

This episode isn't just about setting goals—it's about nurturing a growth mindset that views opportunities and money as abundant resources. Fear of failure often holds us back, but learning from setbacks is crucial for success. We delve into the stories of renowned inventors who mastered this art. By setting ambitious goals and embracing discomfort, you can achieve dreams you once thought impossible. Don't let the opinions of others steer your life; instead, focus on steady improvements and the power of self-belief. Join us for an engaging discussion on steering your life's direction and unlocking the secrets to both personal and financial success.

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With Gratitude -

Angie Gerber


Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to week eight of the goal setting workshop. I'm going to jump right in because, as usual, it's another really good lesson I can't wait to share. So, on week eight, I want you to start off with thinking about your day, thinking about your mindset, thinking about how you show up Now. Are you on autopilot, or are you making decisions from your future self or from your goal? Or are you showing up and just kind of showing up and going through the day as you always do, driving the same way, waking up, showering, getting coffee, doing the same thing in the same order? I'll tell you what even if you switch up one thing, maybe every month or two, and do something different, just keep yourself on your toes with your morning routine. I'm constantly changing mine up. I'll do it for a month to maybe three and then do something different or put it in a different order or try something new. It definitely will keep you on your toes and out of the redundance of just showing up on autopilot. You know, if you think about your mind and your, you know just the whole, your whole body, and how absolutely amazing it is. And I know I talked about last week studying yourself, but really think about. A lot of us take our body for granted. And you know, like blood, for instance, it pumps through hundreds of miles within your body in less than a minute's time, closer to 30 seconds. Just think about how miraculous and amazing your body is and it's always working. And again, your subconscious is always listening and it's eavesdropping on everything you think, everything you say, everything you feel. So just be aware and decide how much time you're going to put aside to study yourself each and every day. Even if it's 15 minutes over lunch, get up 15 minutes early, stay up 15 minutes late, stop scrolling on social media for 15 minutes or find a video or a podcast or something that's around 15 minutes and listen to that at least for 15 minutes of your scroll time, or whatever it may be, but quit doing mindless things throughout the day or at least decide what you're going to do with 15 minutes. If you can't do 15, add five, but I promise you start studying yourself.

Speaker 1:

I mean, think about your body. You cut yourself, you know. Or if you break a bone, yes, the doctor resets it, but the doctor doesn't heal it. When we were younger, our parents you know, our guardians would help us when we cut ourselves or had an accident, but they didn't have the power to heal us. Our bodies have that power and they're so miraculous. So just start thinking about yourself, your body and how miraculous you are, because you truly are an amazing miracle and gift. And if you think about all of that and all of what your body does, start falling in love with yourself and really knowing that you are made in your creator's perfection, and just think about how your body takes care of itself. It's just so, so, amazing.

Speaker 1:

So I just wanted to point that out and shift your mindset a little bit, or maybe how you're looking at your body, the vessel you're in and what we do without even having to think about it as the human side of us, and jumping into thinking and understanding where you're going. So we always need a starting point, so you need to know where you're at in order to get from where you are to where you want to be. Now, you wouldn't not steer your own ship, you know. Think about that. If you took off from one place, you would just crash eventually into another shore line and that obviously would be very, very bad. So you always have a plan, you always know where you're going and that is why this goal setting workshop and setting goals is so very important, because you want to be the one steering the ship, you want to understand, you want to have a better awareness, a better perspective and learn the higher faculties. And take all of this information that I'm sharing with you on this 12 week workshop and really start steering your own ship and making decisions from a different place versus your current results, where you're at, what you already do, what you usually do. Think about that. Think about who is actually steering the ship. Go back to the paradigms In the week that we did paradigms so many of our choices and how we show up they're not even ours. They're not. They're already instilled in us from either birth or, you know, hereditary or our environment. So very important to think about that.

Speaker 1:

And one of the first things I learned from Bob Proctor, when I coached with him as well, was the praxis. So it's the integration of belief with behavior, and that is what that word means. And if you take the word belief, you will find it in every you know, like the Torah, the Bible, all the religious books and all of all of how we show up, and what we've been taught is the belief, have the belief. What do you believe in? You know, and it's really been a part of our culture all across the world. It does not even just here in America, where I am, it's everywhere. So the difference in what Praxis is saying is it's saying you have the belief, you have a belief, and then what behavior are you tying with that belief? I know William James quote, quote is believe, and your belief will actually create the facts. And that's where you know thinking into results. It all starts with your things.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 1:

Thoughts become things. If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand. If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand. So think about what beliefs you have and what ones serve you and what ones don't. As we go through this lesson and watch it again if you need to, or take a time pause, journal about it, but definitely I want you to really sit with this and think about your beliefs as you're going through your day and it just it's, it shapes so much because you can either be thinking from an abundance mindset or scarcity mindset. Uh, there's limit to limitless potential resources. Um, the laws of the universe, I mean there's so much out there waiting for you, or you can sit in scarcity and limit yourself. Think of everything that you don't have. Think of you know.

Speaker 1:

Look at your current results and say I'll never get any better. It'll never be better. This is what it is. I'm not, you know. That's where the whole woo-woo thing comes in. But I can tell you, if I've done this, you can do it as well. You just have to start thinking differently and believing differently. Believing differently about yourself and about what you're able to do. Because it takes no more energy to create a life of abundance and aim high as it does to show up and come from lack and limitation and keep getting a lot of the same results and not going for that goal. It's all again the energy, the vibration you're in and the frequency you raise to or lower yourself to energy. We're 100% energy and you just have to decide and believe that you can have and want more and everything will change for you. And you know, think about does your behavior match your beliefs? So sometimes, when we set goals and we decide this is what we want and we're going to go for it Again, I talked last week about motivation.

Speaker 1:

You can be motivated for only so long. You need to create the disciplines and the behaviors to match your goals. So think about that. You know, if your goals up there and you want to shoot for the moon or whatever it may be, what are your behaviors? What are you changing? What part of you are you leaving behind? Are you comfortable getting uncomfortable? What's one thing that you can do today? Maybe it's making that phone call or it's posting that video or, you know, definitely calling that person. I'm just thinking about mine right now. I've had someone that I've wanted to call and I just continue not to. So think about the one thing could be exercise, it could be relationship, it could be work, it could be money, it could be any part of your life. But really, you know, think about what behavior and what you can do and how you can get into action right now. That will move you closer to your goal.

Speaker 1:

It's going to be a huge one, because if you close down your mind and if you choose not to let any new ideas come in, you reject everything that comes around you. Like I could never have that. That's not for me. Who do I think I am? You know, like I could never have that. That's not for me. Who do I think I am?

Speaker 1:

You know, self-image comes into this quite a bit as well. But if you close your mind when thoughts come by and when opportunities come by, you won't even see them, because you're so focused and thinking about you, know where you are today and that this is it, and you're not even opening your mind or your eyes to different possibilities. And I can promise you there are so many things that have come across your path that you have not even seen right in front of your face because you're just not even open to it. So if you start opening your mind and opening the vision of yourself and start understanding yourself and understand the laws of the universe and understanding how this all works, everything will shift. Your whole perspective will shift. It's just amazing. You know, I often say laws of the universe. They're working all the time, whether you like it or not. You can participate or you can ignore them. But really, what about gravity? Gravity works. You jump off a building. It doesn't matter if you're a good person or a bad person, gravity is going to take over. So if you start studying yourself, start studying the laws of the universe and start playing around with this. I can promise you you'll instantly see results. It's just an amazing, amazing process.

Speaker 1:

But you have to be open-minded, you have to decide that you want better, you deserve better and it's going to get better. And take the fear out of it. See, fear? I always say failure to go to failure. You only fail if you don't start or you stop. Everything else is feedback, and I love. Fear has two meanings Forget everything and run, or face everything and rise. So you decide which way you want to go out about this. But take the fear and start using it to your advantage. Take the fear and do it anyway and things will start to happen.

Speaker 1:

I mean, think about money in the mindset. Go back to your childhood, go back to the home you were raised in and put yourself in a conversation. And if you're, what did you hear about money? Money was, or money is fill in the blank. Money was blank in our household. Did you say abundant? Did you say scarcity didn't exist, was in abundance? You know? Just think about that.

Speaker 1:

Think about how you felt about money growing up, how it was spoken about, used, how it was circulated, was it hoarded? You never had enough. It all came from lack and limitation and look at bringing that through to today. How are you making decisions? How are you spending your money or not spending your money? Are you coming from a lack and limitation or an abundance, knowing that there's more out there, it's all around us, it's all energy. Currency has what they call money currency, because it's current, it's energy. So think about that, think about your money mindset and I bring that up because that's just so many people want to work on their money mindset and want to have a different perspective and know that most of the beliefs about money that you have today were instilled in you. You didn't create them. They were a part of your environment and how you grew up. And the beautiful part is is you can change that by understanding this and by creating a new awareness and deciding differently, having a different belief and then getting into action, and everything can be different.

Speaker 1:

I actually have a quote from Napoleon Hill right on my wall, so it says there is a difference between wishing for a thing and being ready to receive it. No one is ready for a thing until they believe they can acquire it. The state of mind must be belief, not mere wish or hope. So think about that. You have to believe it, you believe it's done, believe that it's already done and out there and waiting for you to connect with it. If you just have a mere hope or wish or that would be nice, then don't waste your know. You have to want it. As bad as you want the air to breathe, it has to consume you. And that's why a lot of people talk about your why and your goal and just really connecting to it. Because if you just merely hope or wish or that would be nice, then that isn't a goal at all. Or wish or that would be nice, then that isn't a goal at all. If you don't 100% believe that it's done and it's yours and you want it and you're going to get it, then it won't happen. So get into the belief and get into the desire of what it is that you truly want and it can be yours.

Speaker 1:

You can grow money out of thin air. A lot of people grow up saying money didn't grow on trees. Well, what if it did? What if you could grow money? Because it's all around us. You just connect to it and you have to have a different mindset. You have to open your mind to the possibilities and open your mind and believe that it is there and it's done, and that's when the opportunity, the people, the circumstances, the money and things will be put in your place. But if you're not open to it and if you don't have a closed mind, then you're just going to get a lot of the same and what you're already getting. Don't have a closed mind, then you're just going to get a lot of the same and what you're already getting.

Speaker 1:

This is something I had to work on quite a bit. I cared so much, and way too much. What other people thought about me for way too long, and the truth is is that they're really not even thinking about you. I learned that as well it's. We have these stories that we tell ourselves or we play these scenarios out in our mind and we usually go to worst case scenario. So study yourself, study this and understand that if you want to get from where you are to where you want to be, you just have to take chances. You got to have the belief and the desire and take the fear and do it anyway and get the feedback. If it doesn't work, and go at it again. Get the feedback and just keep going.

Speaker 1:

The top one to three percent failed their way to the top. They just didn't wake up one day and they were there. We see them now because they're out on the top and they're in, you know, social media, or they're out doing the things and we're like, oh, lucky them must be great. But what you didn't see was the hundreds of hours and the hundreds of fails. I mean we could go on and on and on. Edison 10,000 times, you know, until he created the light bulb. All these inventors, you know they're known for their one great invention, but it doesn't talk about all the other hundreds of times they failed.

Speaker 1:

So stop caring what other people think about you, because, number one, they're not really thinking about you and even if they are, it's a fleeting. Second, don't let it control yourself, your life and your destiny, because you're destined for great things, and start where you are. You do not have to go from zero to 100. And I wouldn't recommend it. But if you work on getting 1% better every day, or you know, I love the quantum leaps, I love 10x in the goals, 20x in 500x in the goals, it's phenomenal and it is such a gift and so amazing. And if that seems like too much, or if it's a lot to think about all at once. Just start where you're at.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, switch up your morning routine. Take 15 minutes a day and decide that you're going to watch a YouTube video or listen to a podcast, or do something that's going to grow and expand you, instead of just mindless entertainment because you're only listening to someone else live out their dreams. So start learning about yourself and learning how to get from where you are to where you want to be. Who you need to know, what rooms you need to be in, what mindset you need to have, what opportunities you have to start working towards. I mean, it's all out there and if someone, if any one person, has done what you intend to do, there's absolutely no reason why you can't do it as well. You are your only problem and your only solution.

Speaker 1:

So get out of your own way and figure out a way, and you know belief, taking action in the way will be shown. The way will be shown. So, new mindset, new results. What are you going to? Switch and start believing today and believe it and know that it's already yours and it's already done, and the more you believe it and you'll receive it. It's not a mere wish or hope. It has to be belief and all things are possible. Are you going to have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset?

Speaker 1:

Believe in yourself, and one way to believe in yourself is to start studying yourself, understanding how miraculous and amazing and beautiful and how much talent is locked up, an ability inside of you just waiting to be unlocked, where for expansion. And if you're contracting, if you're not feeling good, if you're low energy, you don't have the right goal set, you don't have something that excites you and again, it should excite you and kind of terrify you at the same time if it's big enough and worthy enough for you. It's just such a beautiful process and ask yourself how badly do you want it? I've actually felt like this woman on a cliff, ready to jump out, feeling like I could potentially die. You know, I actually did skydive, so I did truly have that feeling. But I'm talking about other parts of my life where I've made a decision.

Speaker 1:

I've taken a leap of faith and left a 13-year very, very secure job with 401k, six weeks paid vacation. I knew everything about the company Well, not everything, but a lot about the company. I could wear many different hats and I jumped. I jumped ship and I jumped into real estate. I just took my 90 hours and passed a national test and a state test and I was a realtor 100%. Commission knew nothing about nothing, just knew that I had to make it work. I would say that's a leap of faith, and I wanted it badly, though. I just knew with every cell in my body that it was something I had to do. I had no idea how it was going to work. I had no idea where my first clients were going to come from. I knew nothing about the forms. I had no idea how this worked. I just knew how badly I wanted it and everything else. By showing up and getting into action and being very, very comfortable, being uncomfortable, I created an amazing business.

Speaker 1:

And looking back, if I would have not taken the leap of faith and, you know, just said, oh, maybe next year, maybe I'll do it. You know, after the kids are gone, or you know that sounds like a good thing to do when I got in 2014. So this was after the kids are gone, or you know that sounds like a good thing to do when I got in 2014,. So this was after the economy. You know the crash around 2008, 2009. So things were coming back, but you didn't know. You know it didn't start really turning around until a year or two later.

Speaker 1:

So it's just doing it because you have that intuitive feeling and you know, like you know, like you know that it's for you and it's the thing you got to do. Stop talking yourself out of it and start opening your mind to the possibilities and looking at it from a different perspective and stop wasting time and take action. And take action because the thing is is that the moment you get that intuitive hit, you have that whole thing like, oh, this is something for me or it's something I got to do, and it like hits. If you do not take action like almost immediately, even if it's making a phone call, writing something down, purchasing a course, doing something, if you don't take action like almost immediately and you let time go by, that is where all the paradigms will come up and tell you all the reasons why you shouldn't, you can't, it's not for me.

Speaker 1:

Who do? I think I am. I'll wait until this. I'll wait until the circumstances are right, or the kids are going to school or done with school, or this has happened, or springtime or winter. I mean, there's so many reasons that we can give ourselves to not stop. Start right away.

Speaker 1:

But I'm telling you, just take action, get into action, follow your intuitive hits and a whole new world is out there waiting for you. It's just having the belief and knowing. Know like you know, like you know that it is meant for you, it is done and you are worthy of it. And that's where a lot of people start doing positive affirmations and really get into the spirit of it. Just stop preparing to prepare, to prepare to prepare to take action, take actions and all things are possible.

Speaker 1:

If you believe, Think of impossible, it's actually. If you separate it out, it's. I'm possible. So take what you feel is impossible and know it's possible. I'm possible, you're possible. Just get out there and get into action. And, of course, if I can be helping in any way, feel free to reach out to me. I'm here and happy to do so and I can't wait for next week, week nine of 12. So join me back here and watch the replay as many times as you want. Like it, share it, subscribe. If you're listening on the podcast, definitely share it, subscribe. If you're listening on the podcast, definitely share it. Make comments, If anything you can do to support whatever channel you're listening on this from. I would so greatly appreciate it. My heart is in this work and I just want to share it with everyone and anyone I can. So make it a great week and we'll see you next time.