Real Estate Agent Market Update and Mindset Podcast
As a Realtor and Proctor Gallagher Certified Consultant, I specialize in helping women overcome the personal obstacles that hold them back from reaching their full potential in business. 🎯
Join us every week for a Monday Market Update Episode for Real Estate Agents and consumers who want to stay on top of what's happening in real time.
Thursday's episodes will focus on Mindset and leveling up in your Business.
Check out my eBook for Real Estate agents - From Hustle to Harmony -- https://stan.store/AngieGerber
It's not the business problems that are keeping you stuck, but the personal baggage you carry into your business — confidence, self-image, limiting beliefs, fear and old habits, to name a few. These barriers can keep you from stepping into the success you truly deserve.
❤️I’ve been where you are. I’ve done the work to transform both my personal life and my business, and I can help you do the same! I know that nothing changes if nothing changes, and I help women shift their mindset so they can finally achieve the results they desire.💥🔥✨
🌟If you know a woman who is ready to step into her power and take her business to the next level, I’d love to connect.
Send me a message and let me know what you think of today's episode or if I can be helping in any way!
- Coach Angie
Real Estate Agent Market Update and Mindset Podcast
Week 11 - Go, Get Your Goals - 90 Day Sprint!
What if every interaction you had left others feeling uplifted and inspired? Join me as I explore the transformative power of the "impression of increase," a principle that can revolutionize your path to true wealth—encompassing health, happiness, and financial success. Through small acts of kindness and making others feel important, you can not only improve your own life but also enrich the lives of those around you.
In this episode, I emphasize the importance of continuous improvement, and how just a 1% change in your daily routine can lead to significant transformations over time. Let go of limiting beliefs like worry and fear, and instead, embrace empowering thoughts that can lead to rapid, positive changes. With the guidance of a mentor or coach, these "quantum leaps" become even more attainable. I invite you to revisit these principles regularly, as personal growth will shift your understanding and experience.
Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes - Awaken your Awareness today!!
Grab my eBook in my Stan.Store/AngieGerber
Now's The Time - no matter where you are, where you have been, or your current results - By becoming more aware and following a process, you can have whatever it is you truly desire!
Schedule a free discovery call with me.
I would love to learn more about your goals, dreams, and desires!!
Check out my YouTube Channel - So many ways to stay connected and plugged in!
With Gratitude -
Angie Gerber
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All right, week 11 is the impression of increase and it's leaving people better off than they were when they first came in contact with you. And first I just want to pause and let you know that I just recorded this whole week 11 without it being recording. So I thought I'd press record and it didn't, and it just reminded me that everything happens for a reason or a purpose. Bob talked about Bob Proctor, my mentor and coach, my first one. He talked about how he wrote his entire book. He actually had the manuscript with him and he jumped in a taxi and he forgot it in the taxi, never to be seen again. And can you imagine at that point how frustrated he was. He was just lost his whole work. And this was way, way, way, way, way back then when we didn't have the backup in the computers and all of that. So this was truly his only copy. And you know he was so far along in this process and so far along in this mindset that he was able to just let it go and know that that was happening for a reason Because the second book that he wrote, or having to rewrite that whole book, it was so much better the second time around. So that's just what this lesson reminded me. It's like, okay, well, that first take wasn't good. So here I am again re-recording week 11 for you and really wanting to dive into the impression of increase and leaving everyone better off than you found them.
Speaker 1:I was at a networking event last week and was a smaller tables. We broke into and had some discussions and I was telling the women at my table that Bob had talked to me about looking at people as you come in contact with them and seeing across their forehead. Mmfi make me feel important. And one of the women just paused and she was so like say that again. What was that? You know and took taking notes. And like you know and took taking notes, and like she was a therapist, a marriage, marriage counselor, and she's like, wow, how powerful is that? And so I just wanted to share it again here and just think about that.
Speaker 1:Think about as you're walking through life and as you're going about your daily business, like go with the intention of brightening someone's day in a good way, like not in a oh, I got to go and make someone smile, like you've got to want to do it and you've got to do it from a sincere place my middle son to the orthodontist and I was early in the morning and I was in a really good mood and I was like good morning, you know, to random people, like catching them off guard, because no one really talks to you anymore, really looks at you, so having this woman like chiming in your ear, he's like, oh, good morning, you know. Or holding the door open for someone and purposely waiting an extra like three to five seconds when I could have just busted through the door. But I see someone coming, hold the door open for them and compliment some woman on her shoes when she walked out of the elevator and was like almost bumped into us and I was like, oh, my gosh, I love your shoes. My son's like Mom. He's like why are you always? Oh, you know, and I was just like, because they're really kick ass shoes, I had to tell her they were amazing. And he's just like oh, mom, you know, usual thing. But it's just what I do and it's what I enjoy doing and I just love to point out to people because I don't think it's done enough something I appreciate about them. Now, it's always something that I really do appreciate about them.
Speaker 1:I'm not out here making up stuff or trying to, like, insert myself into different situations and be a ray of sunshine. It's just a muscle that I've continued to flex and now it's just part of who I am and my kids. As much as I embarrass them sometimes, they I think it's rubbed off on them a little bit. I hope it has at least, because I think it's something that we should all walk through life and and flex that muscle and just, you know, try to make someone else's day better. And it's not even necessarily try, because I don't appreciate that word as much. It's intend to do it in an authentic way.
Speaker 1:So, with that said, getting back to today's lesson, science of Getting Rich, that is a book that if you don't have, I want you to look at getting. It's by Wallace D Waddles and if you focus on chapter 14, that's kind of what we're talking about today. It's leaving everyone with the impression of increase Again, complimenting, holding the door open, calling someone you haven't talked to in a while out of the blue today, and just checking in with them, the make me feel important. That is so, so important. And what Bob talks about, and he talked about and taught me in different various lessons, is that it's not necessarily.
Speaker 1:You don't gain success or wealth wealth in the way of health, happiness, money you know all of it combined together, happiness, money you know all of it combined together by doing certain things. You get this abundance and this beautiful life and wealth by doing things in a certain way. So, again, it's not doing certain things, it's doing certain, it's doing things in a certain way. So think about that, think about how it is. You go through life and know that until you can embody it and live it and teach it to someone else, you're not really a pro, or you really don't know it until you can teach it. So if there's something that you're wanting to really Just hit the nail on the head and understand, keep studying it, keep flexing that muscle and keep competing with yourself, because if you get 1% better every day, you'll need a telescope to look back to see who you once were.
Speaker 1:Don't compete with others, you know. Be aware of your competition, but don't compare yourself. Or if you're one of those people which many of us do, scrolling through social media or looking at the people that are in the top one to 3%, you know, don't compare yourself to them, especially the social media BS, because I'm here to tell you. I coach many people that I'm also friends with on social media and what they're showing, as most people are showing, that's the top one to five to 10% of what's actually happening in their life. So just remember to show up with kindness, because every single person that you come in contact with is fighting their own battle and if we can know that, and regardless of what they're showing or not showing, that's why I always say you know, lead with with kindness and just leave with wanting to you know, understand or come from curiosity, it's so, so important.
Speaker 1:Another thing with the impression of increase and just understanding is that there are laws of the universe, laws that govern the universe and how things work and what happens. Just like time, time is going by. You can't stop time from happening or ticking away. What you can control is the activities and what you do with your time. Kind of the same with the laws of the universe. I didn't even know there were laws of the universe until I found this information at age 40. But now that I do, it's once. You know, you know better, do better. So study the laws of the universe, understand how it works and understand they are always happening and it's always going on and it's up to you whether you want to plug and play and really take this for a ride in the right direction, because it is so fun and so amazing and just, I'm in awe, like awe often, awe often with what can happen. When you do, you know, it's kind of almost like trust, relax and expect. That's something that I heard recently from my coach as well.
Speaker 1:So just think about how you show up. Think about how you show up in the world. We're all leading to a certain degree, whether it's your pets, your kids, maybe your work environment, your leadership. If you're volunteering, you're leading, if anything, yourself all the time. Now, do you show up, calm and in control of yourself, patient and really wanting to understand and neutral. That's signs of a good leader. And again, even if it's just leading yourself, show up differently If you're one of those that shows up chaotic.
Speaker 1:If you're one of those that shows up chaotic and never having enough time or always in a hurry, or flying off the handle or being the victim, how could she? I can't believe they did this. This didn't happen because that happened, or they did this, so that didn't do that. That's all victim mode. Start taking 100% responsibility and show up as a leader and, first and foremost, go into solution modes. Do not come from frustration, do not come from up and down up and down. The more neutral you can stay, regardless of it's a really really good thing or a really really not so good thing, because that's all just our perception of the thing. Being neutral is definitely key and it's a muscle like any that you can flex and start really getting good at. That's how good leaders show up. They actually do control themselves. So it's pretty cool thing, and you know what I've come to realize and what I heard earlier this year and I might have already shared it on one of these videos but you'll never out give a giver.
Speaker 1:So, as you're going through this life and as you're going through your days, mmfi make me feel important. Or how can you show up and give without expecting anything in return? Just give because you want to give A muscle, another muscle to flex. And just you know, even if you have to write it down and be intentional about it, there'll be a tipping point where it will just become. They'll become second nature or a habit, and sometimes there will have to be some intentionality behind it, and that's okay too, but show up with the intention to leave everyone better off than you found them. Never out. Give a giver.
Speaker 1:Think about the laws of the universe and how there's abundance all around us. If you don't believe that, just go for a walk in nature and look at the trees and look at the branches and look at the leaves and look at the millions of billions of blades of grass in a field. I mean there is abundance everywhere and we were born and made in our creator's perfection. So it's just going out and understanding that there's abundance out there and it's just taking the layers of all the BS that have been placed upon us and just pulling those off and getting to again our perfection and the true us. And be ready. Be ready to learn, unlearn and relearn, because those are the people that are really doing anything of consequence. And you'll more than likely be left behind, or at least not as far ahead as you could be, if you're not willing to do that, especially in today's day and age when everything is changing so very quickly.
Speaker 1:And I've talked about it before, about law of compensation. You know the law of compensation says the need for what you do, your ability to do it and the difficulty there is in replacing you. So there's a need for what you do because you're doing it and if you focus on your ability to do it and learn, unlearn, relearn, get knowledge. Once you know better, do better and show up. Never I'll give a giver all those things I've talked about. The difficulty there is in replacing you will take care of itself. You just show up. You just show up and you work on your ability.
Speaker 1:You work on getting 1% better every day, flexing a different muscle coming from a different belief, especially if you've been stuck in lack in limitation, in worry, anxiety, fear. That's what you're going to continue to get more of, because that is the muscle you're flexing and that is what you're focusing on and that is the thoughts you're thinking into your conscious mind, which is impressing upon your subconscious, which is in your subconscious, that the action's taken and you get your results back it up to how you're thinking, the conversations you're around, the environment you're in. There are so many things you can do right now to switch that around and start 1% better every day. But in the beginning you can be doing quantum leaps very, very quickly. That's where a good coach or mentor comes in as well. So, if you're looking, I'm happy to have that conversation as well.
Speaker 1:I encourage you to go back and watch these videos over and over and over again. They'll be on my YouTube channel. Do this every year as you're resetting your goal, because you'll never hear it the same, because you'll never be the same, and I look forward to next week. Join me for the final week, week 12, of this Go Get your Goals workshop. I've really enjoyed it so far, as I hope you have, and always reach out, comment below, subscribe, follow, share, do all the things. I'd love to get this out to as many people as possible. Take care.