Real Estate Agent Market Update and Mindset Podcast

Week 12 - Go, Get Your Goals - 90 Day Sprint!

Angie Gerber Season 4 Episode 14

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Welcome to week 12!
What if the relentless hustle isn't your path to success? Discover how mastering your mind can lead you to achieve more by embracing quantum leaps rather than simply trying harder. Inspired by Price Pritchett's "you2," we'll explore the striking story of a fly's futile struggle against a windowpane, a metaphor urging us to rethink our approach to success. Dive into the profound idea that effort alone isn't the key. This episode promises to change the way you think about challenges and guide you towards significant growth by harnessing the power of faith over fear.

We'll wrap up the series this week and talk about the immense role mindset plays in your journey to success, where belief and empowerment overshadow mere strategies. With a mindset accounting for an astonishing 95% of your achievements, shifting your perspective can lead to groundbreaking results, whether you're chasing dreams in real estate or any other field.

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With Gratitude -

Angie Gerber


Speaker 1:

You made it to week 12. Congratulations. It's been a wonderful journey and one that I am always so grateful to be on with you and, to you know, show you the way. Show you the way of a lot, if not all, of what got me from where I once was to where I am now. And so, as we go into the final week, this is really about mastering your magnificent mind and yourself. So it ties everything that we've gone through over the past 11 lessons into this one very impactful lesson.

Speaker 1:

And Bob always read this story, which I'm going to read to you now. You may have heard it on a past podcast of mine if you're a avid listener, but I wanted to definitely visit U Squared. For those of you not watching on YouTube, it's the word U with a two U Squared by Price Pritchett Amazing book by Price Pritchett Amazing book. Go on Amazon or wherever, and order this book. He also offers a bundle, which is a phenomenal deal, so I would absolutely do that as well. So it starts off with a true story and I'm going to read it to you now. He says I'm sitting in a quiet room at the Millcroft Inn, a peaceful little place hidden back among the pine trees.

Speaker 1:

About an hour outside of Toronto. It's just past noon, late July, and I'm listening to the desperate sound of a life or death struggle going on. Just a few feet away, going on just a few feet away, there's a small fly burning out the last of its short life's energies in a frugal attempt to fly through the glass of the windowpane. The whining wings tell the pungent story of the fly's strategy. Try harder, but it's not working. The frenzied effort offers no hope for survival. Ironically, the struggle is part of the trap. It is impossible for the fly to try hard enough to succeed at breaking through the glass. Nevertheless, this little insect has staked its life on reaching its goal through raw effort and determination. The fly is doomed. It will die there, on that window cell. Now, across the room, 10 steps away, the door is open.

Speaker 1:

10 seconds of flying time and this creature could reach the outside world it seeks With only a fraction of the effort now being wasted. It could be free of this self-imposed trap. The breakthrough possibility is there. It would be so easy. Why doesn't the fly try another approach, something dramatically different? How did it get so locked in on the idea that this particular route and determined effort offer the most promise for success. What logic is there in continuing until death to seek a breakthrough with more of the same? No doubt this approach makes sense to the fly. Regrettably, it's an idea that will kill.

Speaker 1:

Trying harder isn't necessarily the solution to achieving more. It may not offer any real promise for getting what you want out of life. Sometimes, in fact, it's a big part of the problem. Problem if you stake your hopes for a breakthrough on trying harder than ever, you may kill your chances for success. And again, the author. Author is price pritchett u squared.

Speaker 1:

So think about that and apply that to your life and what you are currently doing. If you think you need to double down and work harder and your life and what you are currently doing, if you think you need to double down and work harder and try harder and just keep going at it, I really implore you to just take a step back and think about this. Think about you will not get to where you want to go or create new circumstances or a new economy or whatever it is you're looking for from the same mindset and from the same place you are today. So that's where who we surround ourselves with is so very important, and one of the things that I went through when I went through my training was the mastermind. So a mastermind is when you get together with four to maybe five, no more than you know.

Speaker 1:

Bob says, if you have eight or more, break into two groups because you want to really be able to hone in on each member and how you can move them forward. And what it's about is it's about showing up and giving, giving your all to the mastermind and helping the people in it, knowing that the more you help someone reach their goals, the universe will reward you and you will reach yours. So masterminding and getting around people that can help you take your blinders off and really see things from a different perspective. So if you don't have partners like that, I implore you and I encourage you to find some out there. It can, you know it's. Obviously hiring a coach or a mentor is part of that, but if that's not something that you can financially do right now, find people. Find people in your industry that are doing what you intend to do.

Speaker 1:

You know, another thing that Bob would talk about is he would, you know, go to these big companies and the top of the top, the guy that did the most business and everyone looked up to and wanted to be like or figure it out. You know no one would call him, no one would reach out to these people. So call that person, send them a text, send them a message, however that looks, and ask them to buy them a coffee, ask to come to where they're at or where will they be, where you can steal, you know, 10 to 20 minutes of their time and come very prepared with you know half a dozen to a dozen questions that you can ask them. That will really get you the information that you desire and that will get you to the next step. It's so amazing.

Speaker 1:

So if you think about this book you squared, what would it look like, instead of again, the five to 10% results or increase that you want, if you did 100 or 500% better this year, the next coming year, what would that look like? And they talk about how a quantum leap implies an explosive jump in your personal performance. That puts you far beyond the next logical step. And that's where you get out of the logical mind and into the emotional mind or into the faith versus fear, and really stepping out and figuring it out. And a lot of it is kind of like the fly. There's some simple steps and a simple change that could just quantum leap your results that you're just not aware of right now. So how do you become aware of it? You're going to mastermind a coach or a mentor. Taking a step back self-discovery, personal development, getting better, 1% better every day will also quantum leap your results by the end of the year.

Speaker 1:

I was just listening to a podcast this morning from one of my coaches, arash Vasuki, and he said you know, take what are four things that you need to do in the next year to get to your big goal, the big goal. And he said don't think of it in a year, take it quarter by quarter. So in the first 90 days, what's one thing? So you write down four things that the person has or has done, or what their disciplines look like, or their habits, or what you need to change. And he said pick the one that's the most impactful and only focus on that for the first 90 days and make that a habit and show up and do the thing that for the first 90 days and make that a habit and show up and do the thing If it's going on social media and doing video if it's calling people you know.

Speaker 1:

In real estate, a lot of people are asking about buying leads and finding clients because so many of them won't take the time to get their customer relationship management CRM together. So if you're in business, how are you dripping on or how are you staying in contact with the people who have already done business with you or that know you, like you and trust you? I mean, we are often in any business stepping over $50 bills to pick up pennies because we just can't see the forest through the trees. So take a step back and think about that. And it's the knowing doing gap. You know what to do and you're not doing it. So the knowing part and the doing part are far apart. So there's a gap between them. So how are you going to collapse that gap, the knowing doing gap? You know what to do, but you're not doing it.

Speaker 1:

Take action and start doing it every day, regardless of how you feel, regardless of if you want to or not. This is a business or what you're doing in. The goals you want to achieve are so much bigger. And if you come from that place and if you make decisions as if it's already here and done and from that version of you, the things you need to show up and do are no brainers. You've already done them, they're already done because you already have the goal. Have the goal. So it's really about flipping a lot of what we already do or don't do. So take, for instance, I know another story Bob often talked about was the insurance industry how he said he could go to any insurance industry and write whatever he wanted to charge them, because they all wanted him to talk to their salespeople to motivate them to get into their companies, because he in the 70s and 80s was able to take insurance agencies back then and increase their sales by hundreds of millions of dollars.

Speaker 1:

And he said the things I told them to do were so simple, it's just no one was doing it. And he would tell them get in front of a client by nine in the morning, skin to skin, face to face, and ask them for at that time, $100,000 policy which most people were not doing again hundreds of millions of dollars, these companies by just doing two simple things getting in front of a client and asking them to buy, because nothing happens until someone sells something. Regardless of your business and what you do, you have to sell them, to help them. If it's nutrition, if it's weight loss, if it's something to do with their mindset, if it's real estate you know chiropractic I have clients all over many, many industries. You know. Go to school. Why to do this? Why to go to practice. You know, if you're thinking of kids, why practice makes perfect or you'd want to do it. I mean, you are always selling someone in your life on something, so take that and understand that nothing happens until you sell them and think about who you can get into a mastermind with.

Speaker 1:

We're going to go back to that now. I really want you to write down three to four, five to eight, whatever how many people, because not everyone may be able to do it and put together a mastermind. And if you need the mastermind rules that I use because there's a covenant that you read and there's an understanding of why you all are there because you want the right people there for the right reasons look me up. It's Angie Gerber at gmailcom. I'm happy to get that over to you and talk to you more about it. Also, know that I actually just wrote a book, an ebook. It is with real estate in mind. However, I know it can apply to any industry, and that's at my Stan store, so it's stanstore backslash, angie Gerber, check it out, it's under $20. And it's a lot of the information that I coach with my elite clients and it's phenomenal information to get you, you know, for goals talking about sales, talking about how to run your calendar, how to show up as an entrepreneur versus an amateur, gratitude, data bank, law of compensation, all of so it's definitely something to check out.

Speaker 1:

But, yeah, just going into your goals and you're setting your goals, set big goals, goals that you do not know how to get. The only thing you do is you want it, you desire that it will happen, the want is there and you have to make the decision that it's something that you truly want, so that you'll show up and get it and to remind you once you reach that goal, which you will. It's a process. If you have the right mindset and if you're doing the right things, the goal itself is the side effect. It's who you become in the process. That's the true win.

Speaker 1:

So, set those goals, go back and listen to these weeks if you need to. You know, if you're watching on YouTube, I watch a lot of things on 1.25 or one and a half speed so that I can get through them a lot quicker if I need to listen to something or re-listen to something. But the more you listen and the more you go through the repetition of hearing the same thing, thinking the same thing, it will impress upon your subconscious and once your subconscious accepts it, it's done. Your mind and the universe will start working together to show you the way the people start working together, to show you the way the people, the options, the opportunities, the money, the clients they'll be put in your path. And that's where following your intuition, when we talked about the higher faculties, is so very important. So this all works together and you are the key how you show up, how you think, what you expect it will be shown.

Speaker 1:

So if you don't like your results, go back and start thinking about what you're thinking. What conversations are you having? Who are you surrounding yourself with? Are you getting 1% better every day? Instead of scrolling on social media, let's say, for an hour, do it for a half hour. Set an alarm In the other half hour.

Speaker 1:

Grab a book, listen to a podcast. Go back and listen to one of these messages. I promise you you'll start hearing it differently because you'll become different. You'll never dip your toe in the stream and it be the same water, because it's always changing, just like you're always changing. So, as always, I am here to support you and help you reach out.

Speaker 1:

If you need a great coach or mentor, I absolutely work in the real estate industry and also coach many people outside of it as well. Check out my stand store for my book and also set big goals, goals that will get you into a quantum leap. Reach out if I could be helping in any way, and share this series with someone that you love or someone that needs to hear it as well, because, mindset, though it's 95% of it and only 5% of strategy of you getting to your goals, we do need to work together and we wanna be able to show up for each other. So get someone else in another mindset, put yourself in another mindset, start thinking into results, thinking differently, because nothing changes if nothing changes, and you deserve it, and I believe in you. So till next time, you know where to find me and you deserve it and I believe in you. So till next time, you know where to find me and you have a great, great one.