Real Estate Agent Market Update and Mindset Podcast
As a Realtor and Proctor Gallagher Certified Consultant, I specialize in helping women overcome the personal obstacles that hold them back from reaching their full potential in business. 🎯
Join us every week for a Monday Market Update Episode for Real Estate Agents and consumers who want to stay on top of what's happening in real time.
Thursday's episodes will focus on Mindset and leveling up in your Business.
Check out my eBook for Real Estate agents - From Hustle to Harmony -- https://stan.store/AngieGerber
It's not the business problems that are keeping you stuck, but the personal baggage you carry into your business — confidence, self-image, limiting beliefs, fear and old habits, to name a few. These barriers can keep you from stepping into the success you truly deserve.
❤️I’ve been where you are. I’ve done the work to transform both my personal life and my business, and I can help you do the same! I know that nothing changes if nothing changes, and I help women shift their mindset so they can finally achieve the results they desire.💥🔥✨
🌟If you know a woman who is ready to step into her power and take her business to the next level, I’d love to connect.
Send me a message and let me know what you think of today's episode or if I can be helping in any way!
- Coach Angie
Real Estate Agent Market Update and Mindset Podcast
Set Your Goals and Get Real Results
Success starts with a clear vision of your goals, yet many struggle with translating those dreams into actionable steps. In this episode, we dive deep into effective goal-setting strategies tailored for personal and professional growth.
How are your goals aligning with your day-to-day accomplishments? We discuss methodologies such as long-term versus short-term goals, helping listeners identify which approach resonates with them and evokes genuine motivation.
Throughout our conversation, you'll learn practical tactics for cultivating motivation, including the discipline needed to forge habits that align with your future self.
The heart of this discussion centers around accountability, encouraging you to explore what empowers you each day—be it financial success or personal growth. Discover how to shift your thinking, craft impactful disciplines, and embrace discomfort as a catalyst for remarkable change.
Join us as we unravel the complexities of goal setting, inspiring you to take decisive steps in your journey towards success. You won't want to miss these transformative insights! Tune in and be ready to elevate your game!
Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes - Awaken your Awareness today!!
Grab my eBook in my Stan.Store/AngieGerber
Now's The Time - no matter where you are, where you have been, or your current results - By becoming more aware and following a process, you can have whatever it is you truly desire!
Schedule a free discovery call with me.
I would love to learn more about your goals, dreams, and desires!!
Check out my YouTube Channel - So many ways to stay connected and plugged in!
With Gratitude -
Angie Gerber
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So today I want to talk about goals and, being that we are already to the end of February which I still can't believe myself I encourage you, if you haven't already look back at your goals, if you made the business plan or if you set the goals for 2025, or if you set the goals for 2025, have you stopped to look back and see what you said you're going to do versus what you are actually doing and where you are at in regards to your goal? Now, I have worked with and coached many different agents over the years and I've found two different ways, I guess, to help agents set up goals and business plans. So you have to kind of look at yourself Well, not kind of. You have to look at yourself and know yourself enough to know what type of a goal is going to get you excited, know what type of a goal is going to get you excited, get you up in the morning and get you motivated, versus deflate you. And what I mean by that is I help agents and I meet them where they're at Some like the big year goals. So by December 31st or December 20th or whatever, I'm going to be at X goal and then, based upon that, this is what I need to do every quarter, based upon every quarter. This is what I need to do every month, based upon every month. This is what I need to do every week, based upon every week. This is what I need to do every day, and you break it down from the macro to the micro and you really look at what that looks like and what you need to do to get to that goal. Now I have other agents that that just seems so far removed and so far away. It's not motivating to them. It's not motivating to them. They would rather set quarter goals and have you know different quarter goals with that, that head goal, that big hair, audacious goal for the end of the year, but then break it down into quarters.
Speaker 1:I know that's what my coach talks about, is sprints or you know a 90 day goal so that you can be really motivated if you're going after something and going to get it within about 90 days, or at least you're going to shoot for it. And, like they say, if you shoot for the moon, at the very least you miss it. You land in the stars and among the stars. So think about that. What type of a goal should you be setting for yourself if you know yourself well enough. Is it a year goal or is it that quarter goal where you can get up, you can be motivated, you're already seeing results. You're already on the way to having it happen, because in the three-month goal or quarter goal, you then break it down per month, you break it down per week, you break it down per day, and usually it's obviously not as big as a goal as potentially the year-out goal Sometime.
Speaker 1:It is because you'd be surprised, when you're that motivated, how much you can get done in a short amount of time. We know that, as human beings, most will procrastinate and if you're given two weeks to do something, you'll put it off until you absolutely, in some cases, need to get it done, or you'll pick at it, or you'll get a lot done right away, and then you'll get distracted and you'll be like, oh, I'll come back to it later. I'll come back to it later. Whereas, what if you were given two days to do the same amount of you know, the same thing? You would get it done if you had to get it done. So it's just like if you have a listing appointment in two weeks or two days, you're doing the work and you're getting it put together. You're spending the time, you're moving things around in your calendar, you're figuring it out because you're going to get that list and you're going to nail it, and by doing that you need to prepare. So it's the same thing with your goal.
Speaker 1:Now, if you are not on track for your goal, one of the most difficult things is looking at that and then feeling bad about it. And what I tell all the agents is you can't change what you did yesterday. You can't even change what time you got up this morning. What you can do is start right now, in this moment, today, you can start changing what your future is. You can start changing what you do right now and that will impact your later today, your tomorrow, your week and month from now. By sitting here feeling bad or looking at your goal or looking at your results and letting it get you into a negative energy or a low energy. That's going to do nothing for you, because you cannot change your results and where you are at today are a direct reflection of your past thinking, your past actions or inaction. So think about it. Your results are because you took action or you didn't take action. So think about it. Your results are because you took action or you didn't take action. And you took action or you didn't take action because of how you were feeling, and you felt the way you were feeling because of what you were thinking.
Speaker 1:So it starts with our thoughts, and that's where having a goal and knowing what you want and being connected to it is so very important. A lot of people talk about their why, and I get that and I think that's a great thing. And yet you need to go deeper. You need to really, really understand what is going to motivate you, because when you set a goal, you're making a decision which is number one. So you're deciding this is what I want, no matter what, and it's got to excite you and terrify you all at the same time, because if it doesn't excite you and if it doesn't scare you a little bit, it's not worthy enough of you. You need to have something to go after that's going to challenge you, because when you get comfortable being uncomfortable, it's in that uncomfortable place that the growth happens. So you'll want to show up there and take those chances. So you make the decision. Now you have to create the discipline.
Speaker 1:So you want to create the discipline of what someone who already has that goal, whether it's a 90-day goal or a year-out goal what does that version of you do today if you've already achieved the goal? What time do you get up? What do you fuel your body with? What does your exercise routine look like? Exercise routine look like? What calls are you making that you're not willing to make right now, but that version of you would have no problem doing that, and that's where you find out what it takes to get to that version of you. Because who you are today, where you're sitting with the habits and the disciplines, have gotten you to where you are today. And this version of you is not going to get you to your next goal, whether that's a 90-day goal or, again, a year goal. It just won't happen.
Speaker 1:So you have to make the decision, create the disciplines, set the standard of how you're going to show up and how you're not going to show up. When your alarm goes off, you're jumping out of bed. You're no longer hitting snooze, you're no longer making excuses of not taking care of yourself and going to the gym. You're looking at the fruit or the ice cream, and maybe this version of you picks the ice cream, but the next version of you who picks the fruit more often than the ice cream. You can still have dessert, I do, but think about it. So you make the decision, create discipline, set the standard, and then you have to change your attitude and your self-image. So your attitude is a compilation of your thoughts, feelings and actions. Like I said, you get your results because of what you're thinking.
Speaker 1:No-transcript that pushes you out of your comfort zone. If you are not doing something uncomfortable every day and I suggest doing three to five things that are pretty uncomfortable every day you more than likely are stuck and you're not going to get very far because the version of you that you're looking forward to and that you're working towards and that goal is a completely different version. It's still you, but it's you 10x, 100x, whatever that looks like. And I'm telling you, if I can do what I've done, you can do it, and I know you hear that from so many different people. But I am truly honest and I'm truly passionate about this, because if any one person has done what you intend to do, there's no reason you can't. You are your only problem and you are your only solution. So I encourage you if you're not where you want to be on your goals.
Speaker 1:Cut it, drop it, let it go and start anew today, look at your business plan, look at your goals and if you don't have a business plan or if you don't have goals, reach out to me. And if you don't have a business plan or if you don't have goals, reach out to me. I can send you a one-page sheet that you can keep in front of you so you don't file this or bury these business plans that sometimes people go to day-long or week-long conferences or workshops to create these elaborate big business plans and then they do nothing with them. How do I know? I did it year after year after year. Oh yeah, what was it I was going to do? What was this? No One page. Put it on your wall so you can sit and stare at it all day, every day, along with your vision board, and start making it happen.
Speaker 1:Consistency equals success. You decide how you want to do this. You stay heart centered, you stay in your energy, in your zone, in your lane, whatever that is for you, and show up consistently. And if you do that, consistency equals success. However you want to do this, this business can be done so many different ways.
Speaker 1:I can tell you story after story after story of how people have built amazing real estate businesses in ways you would never think of, because it's unique and genuine to them and what they want to do. And it's all about the energy, because we're all energy. So what you put out, you get back, and if you're doing something that you don't like or that's not resonating with you, the people feel it and that's a big reflection on your business. And if you're not where you want to be, I would absolutely start there. So look me up. If you need any help with your business planning, check out my ebook. It's a 40-page ebook that will get you going in your disciplines, your habits, your lead generation, sales, how you look at your business all of it. It's all connected and I am here and happy to help in any way. And until next time, go and sell something and have a good one.